
Archetypal Tarot Podcast Special Release!

Archetypes for THIS Moment, with Guest/Host Julienne Givot

In this thought-provoking episode of the Archetypal Tarot Podcast, hosts Julienne and Cyndera dive deep into the current climate of social and political upheaval, exploring how archetypes like the victim, warrior, and the strength of community can guide us through these chaotic times.

Julienne Givot, original co-founder and Archetypal Tarot Podcast host, returns to discuss the pervasive victim archetype in modern culture, its disempowered and empowered expressions, and the healing potential that comes from confronting and transcending our wounds. The conversation expands to broader societal dynamics, including the push-pull of victim and perpetrator energies in politics, the struggles of moving beyond the pendulum swing, and the need for a collective, rather than a singular, hero to navigate crises.

Julienne and Cyndera explore how the Tarot can offer wisdom, including how archetypes like the strength card, the hermit, and the eight of swords reflect the emotional landscapes many are navigating today. Tune in for an inspiring conversation about building community, finding personal strength, and creating joy amidst chaos.

Stay connected with Julienne! Her amazing art and service offerings can be found at:




The Tarot deck used in this video recording is The Weiser Tarot.